If you're looking to discover or level up your businesses' impact, you've found your tribe. Be Local is, unapologetically, not your average business network.
A Be Local membership is for you if you:
Want to do more good through your business
Want to scale your business AND your impact
Have time to work ON, not just IN your business
Are curious about meaningful partnership
Enjoy problem solving through collaboration
Have time and energy to participate and engage
Membership Benefits:
Directory listing—A feature on our public directory
MasterGroup5—A 4-month engagement rooted in practical peer support, problem solving and connection
Council of "Experts"—Tap into the wisdom of Calgary's best social venture minds to get targeted advice and input on something you're struggling with
Networking events—Quarterly networking with other members
Capacity building workshops—Bi-monthly workshops with experts on topics including living wage, social procurement, social financing and more
Design Your Impact Program— A multi-day program for entrepreneurs that focuses on identifying, implementing and scaling sustainable impact into an already operational business.