SVI: Alberta is an immersive experience that is intentionally designed to foster growth. Social Venture leaders are enabled to step away from the day-to-day of their business and focus on fine tuning business strategies, learning best practices, solving problems and building lasting relationships. At the end of just three days, participants will step back into their lives feeling rejuvenated, with a renewed sense of purpose and armed with a network of supportive peers.

You can read more important FAQ's here.

Who Should Apply?

SVI: Alberta is created with the intent of supporting founders, CEOs, and leaders of social purpose ventures. Occasionally, we may also invite leaders of ecosystem and enabling organizations, artists, or those with other expertise that crosses over into the social venture space. Attendees should come with a commitment to social justice, and an openness to sharing and learning alongside others.

What is the Application Process?

Click the red Registration button, fill in the application form and submit payment. Our team will review it and be in touch about our decision. If you are not accepted, we will issue you a full refund.